Thursday, March 20, 2008

i hate ADR

it is such a boring throwaway class. i feel like i'm in undergrad, in a sociology class. some groups in class are going to be presenting ADR to civ pro classes, so they're practicing today... so it is a bunch of students presenting material that we kind of know, but never really learned in the first place, because no one does any of the reading. at least i don't. usually in this class i read for con law, but not today.
i had a bad time yesterday. all i want to do is sleep anymore, and even when i'm awake i wish i were asleep. law school has made me hate thinking, reading, writing, and researching. not that i was a huge fan of any of those things to begin with. i'm glad spring is coming; i can't deal with the dark and cold anymore, on top of the frustration. i hardly can go outside at all - not only is it dark and cold but also it's newark, and newark is unsafe. i can't wait to move to texas for the summer. actually it's going to be blisteringly hot and i have no idea about how safe it will be, so i will probably be singing a different tune once that starts. but we'll see.
jimmy is touring with genghis tron! april 1st... i have to buy tickets soon, he says it's selling out and he doesn't know if he can guestlist me. its a show with converge and some other tough guy bands, which i'm not really into, but it will be totally worth it to see jimmy again!